The course comprises 12 Units of Competency
1.BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
2.BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
3.BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
4.BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
5.BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
6.BSBOPS503 Develop administrative systems
7.BSBPMG430 Undertake project work
8.BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
9.BSBOPS505 Manage organisational customer service
10.BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
11.BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
12.BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
BSB50120 Diploma of Business reflects the role of individuals with substantial experience in a range of settings who are seeking to further develop their skills across a wide range of business functions. Moreover, it is suited to the needs of individuals with little or no vocational experience, but who possess sound theoretical business skills and knowledge that they would like to develop in order to create further educational and employment opportunities.
Why Should I Complete This Course?
This business qualification can provide you the leadership skills and professional understanding to succeed in any organisation as an administration/office manager, project manager, team leader, business development manager, or project coordinator.
This qualification is most suitable for various group of people, such as existing business professionals or Executive officers, Program consultants, Program coordinators, Business owners. Some of the other group who could be potentially benefitted with this qualification are people looking for a career change, people who need this qualification for employment purposes, people seeking a formal qualification, people with some business experience seeking a formal qualification, people taking on an executive role within their organisation and seeking a formal qualification